Grilled Corn On The Cob
Description: Butter, salt and a little pepper are all you really need to bring out corn's natural sweetness on the grill.
Ingredients: 6 ears corn 6 tablespoons butter, softened salt and pepper to taste
Directions: Soak ears (husk and silk still on) in cold water for at least an hour. Or better, start soaking in a.m. and leave soaking all day. Preheat an outdoor grill for high heat and lightly oil grate. Then just throw them on the grill till the husks are mostly charred. Cook approximately 30 minutes, turning occasionally, until corn is tender. You can pull the husk and silk back in a couple big chunks and use as a handle. Butter, Salt, Pepper, Enjoy! So sweet and juicy, the charred spots add great flavor.
To Cook In Foil: Peel back corn husks and remove silk. Place 1 tablespoon butter, salt and pepper on each piece of corn. Close husks. Wrap each ear of corn tightly in aluminum foil. Place on the prepared grill. Cook as above.
Note: For some of you who had trouble getting your corn done quick enough, here's a hint that applies to ANY food that's wrapped in foil. In this case, wrap the corn-on-the-cob with the shiny side in. This keeps the heat in and helps to cook faster. With the shiny side out, the foil is reflecting more of the longer cooking time.
Serves: 6