Country Ham Steak & Red Eye Gravy

There are many ways to bake or fry a Center Slice Ham Steak.
Fry it up straight in its own fat or add a little water, or a little grease.
This is the way we like it.

1 Center Slice Ham Steak
1 can 7 Up

Fry up Center Slice Ham Steak in a half and half mixture of water and 7 Up in
a Cast Iron skillet, turning often, and leaving the dripping's for red eye gravy.
Cook until browned, liquid will evaporate.

Red Eye Gravy

Add water (or black coffee) to fried ham drippings in a hot pan.
Let sizzle and stir. Serve with center steak fried ham slices, biscuits, and honey.

Pork & Sausage Recipes