Mom's Easy Turkey
This come's out good and moist!
1 Whole Turkey (any size)
1 large pan
*You can use Poultry Seasoning instead of pepper.
Preheat oven 325.
Thaw turkey in refrigerate for about 4 days if frozen.
Take the giblets (gizzard, neck, liver & heart)
out of the inside of the turkey.
Set giblets in bowl in the refrigerate for later use.
Set turkey in sink and wash the inside real good with cold water.
Make sure the water goes all the way thur and out the neck hole.
That way you know it is thawed good and you have all the giblets out.
Using your hands, rub the turkey inside and out
with butter, salt and pepper.
Place whole turkey breast side up in pan, add 1 inch water.
Tent turkey with foil, seal foil around out side edges of pan.
Place in preheated oven.
Turkey will baste itself, take foil off to brown about 30 minutes before done.
To test to see if it done move the drumstick up and down
- if done, the joint should give readily.
Cooking times for a turkey:
6 to 8 pounds, cook 3 to 3 1/2 hours.
8 to 12 pounds, cook 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 hours.
12 to 16 pounds, cook 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 hours.
16 to 20 pounds, cook 5 1/2 to 6 1/2 hours.
20 to 24 pounds, cook 6 1/2 to 7 hours.
Save the turkey broth for the gravy and dressing.
Giblets are used in Giblet Gravy and Dressing.
If you use a foil pan, be sure you set it on a baking sheet!
Left over turkey, try our Simon Turkey Strips.