Field of Dreams Salad

Serve Field of Dreams Salad with the Honey-Mustard Dressing.

3 large ears yellow corn
1 10-ounce package frozen baby lima beans
3 / 4 cup pared and cored cucumbers cut into 3/8 –inch cubes
1 / 2 cup carrots pared and cut julienne 1 inch long
1 / 2 cup diced celery
1 / 4 cup diced red bell peppers
1 tablespoon snipped, fresh chives
1 cup blanched, stemmed, peeled, seeded,
    and cored tomatoes cut into bite-sized chunks
1 / 2 cup Honey-Mustard Dressing
Boston Lettuce

Prepare and boil the corn on the cob;
place the hot ears of corn on a clean towel to cool.
When cool enough to handle, cut the kernels off the cobs.
Measure 1 1/2 cups corn; cover and refrigerate.
Reserve the remaining corn for other uses.
Cook the lima beans. Measure 1 cup drained beans; cover and refrigerate.
Reserve the remaining lima beans for other uses.
Wait until the corn and lima beans are cold to compose the salad.
Then, in a mixing bowl place;
1 1/2 cups corn, 1 cup lima beans, cucumbers, carrots, celery,and peppers;
toss to combine. Add the tomatoes, chives, and Honey-Mustard Dressing;
toss lightly until evenly distributed.
Spoon the salad over leaves of Boston lettuce on individual salad plates.

Salads Recipes