Pocket Meat Pie
A delicious meat pie using Indian Fry Bread for the crust!
Indian Fry bread (Recipe under Breads)
1 pkg Taco Seasoning
1 lb. Hamburger Meat,
1 cups Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1 bag of frozen potatoes with onion and bell peppers (cooked according to package directions)
Prepare Hamburger Meat and Taco Season like for Taco's,
Add the cooked potatoes with onion and bell peppers to hamburger mixture
Mix all the cooked ingredients together and stir in cheese.
Filling :
Place a small amount of the above mixture on a round of Indian Fry bread
Folded the bread over the filling, like you'd do a fruit pie,
Then seal the edge and deep fried them til they were golden brown.